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A North American trade association which represents digital media brands across broadcasting, audio, news and sport was interested in exploring the subscriptions marketplace and its potential impact on their members.

The aim was deliver findings to member organisations with insight into the subscriptions economy and how brands were adapting and responding to changes.


During the engagement, our activities included:

  • Secondary research on the macroeconomic environment with respect to digital media
  • Qualitative interviews with senior executives at member organisations combined with a quantitative survey to all member organizations on their priorities for the future
  • Synthesis of findings to write and design the report


Produced a Subscriptions Economy Report with key insights which covered:

  • External economic trends and their impact on the subscriptions economy
  • Implications for the trade association members and their strategies for the future.
  • Internal initiatives and some hard metrics on what trade association members are actively doing / thinking about in terms of external and internal drivers of their business.

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