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Building AI fluency in media organisations

In partnership with the Google News Initiative, FT Strategies recently delivered an AI design sprint, a comprehensive workshop covering AI strategy, governance and implementation.

Building organisational AI fluency is a crucial step and to do this we recommend that you:

  • Start experimenting with generative AI: The chat nature of generative AI is more accessible than previous forms of artificial intelligence and allows publishers to rapidly build prototypes attuned to their business needs and data. Early hands-on testing enables discovery of high-potential AI applications and understanding its limitations.
  • Prioritise educating staff comprehensively on AI: Before implementation, teams must receive training on AI's technical, strategic, and ethical dimensions. A well-informed team can better identify relevant AI opportunities and implement solutions effectively.
  • Champion ethical AI use and information quality: Emphasise ethics as AI permeates operations - evaluating algorithmic biases, addressing information quality issues like hallucinations, and determining appropriate vs inappropriate uses of AI.

Our AI consulting experts, Aliya Itzkowitz and Sam Gould discuss these steps in more detail with Nikita Roy, host of Newsroom Robots, a podcast that explores the interaction between Journalism and AI.

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